garigarra: a conduit for Country and the built environment.

The Wiradjuri word for being truthful, garigarra also encompasses humility, authenticity, respect and care. It defines everything we do.

Led by Wiradjuri man Matte McConnell, we collaborate with architecture and design teams to ensure Country is meaningfully embedded into every stage of a project.

Within every space we design, defining everywhere we construct, there is the enduring spirit of Country: the knowledges, stories, songlines, languages, land, skies and waters that have nurtured the local peoples since the beginning of time. By listening to the ancient knowledges of Country and her Custodians, we begin a process of healing, reclaiming and resurfacing Country through design. Through understanding one's accountability to the duty of care we have to place and what we design, we begin unlearning, shifting (design) methodologies to recognise the interconnectedness of Country and architectural practices. Building on over 65,000 years of culture is not a last-minute consideration or merely a box to tick-off.

We join your project’s core design team, from planning to design to delivery. Through both Aboriginal and western design expertise, we help you to realise your vision in a way that honours the interconnected complexities of Country at every touchpoint. When we respect the connection between built form and everything its natural surroundings encompass, we create a richer outcome for all.

When we take care of Country, Country will take care of us.

Contact us to (re)centre Country through your project.